For immediate release
May 18, 2020
Contact: Ken Clark, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: 307-286-4776
Louisiana House Passes Resolution to Term Limit Congress
Baton Rouge, LA — The Louisiana House just passed a resolution calling for the states to propose a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution. House Concurrent Resolution 28 (HCR28), passed by a vote of 73 to 14 receiving very strong support from both Democrats and Republicans.
The resolution’s sponsor Rep. Mark Wright (District 77) testified, “I believe that our institutions perform better when there is a regular mixture of new blood coming in.”
USTL President, Philip Blumel, praised the House on the victory saying, “The people of Louisiana should be proud that their representatives are willing to listen to the majority of voters who want term limits. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”
According to the last nationwide poll on term limits conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, conducted in January 2018, term limits enjoys wide bipartisan support. McLaughlin’s analysis states, “Support for term limits is broad and strong across all political, geographic and demographic groups. An overwhelming 82% of voters approve of a constitutional amendment that will place term limits on members of Congress.”
HCR28 moves to the senate where it will be heard by the Government Affairs committee. There are just two more votes to add Louisiana to the growing list of states calling for a term limits amendment under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-four states are needed to hold the proposal convention. After which, thirty-eight states must ratify the terms limits proposal in order for it to become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.
So far, fifteen states have passed resolutions for a national amendment proposal convention specific to term limits. In a divided political climate, term limits for Congress is the one true, non-partisan issue that both President Trump and former President Obama have publicly endorsed.
U.S. Term Limits is the oldest and largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at