Media Advisory
Vote AGAINST Issue 2 & Issue 3
October 14, 2020
Contact: Tom Steele
10-ft Tall Trojan Horse Coming to McGehee, AR!
Grassroots coalition opposes Issue 2 and Issue 3, the politicians’ attempt to trick voters into weakening term limits and wrecking the citizen petition process
The “Vote AGAINST Issue 2 and Issue 3” campaign will bring a rather large Trojan Horse to McGee. The 10-foot tall carved wooden creature illustrates that Issue 2 and Issue 3 are sneaky, dirty tricks by politicians in the legislature meant to make fools of Arkansas voters.
The Trojan Horse will arrive at the 3 pm today, along with a spokesperson for the campaign, which is led by Arkansas Term Limits and Protect AR Voices.
WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 14th 3:00 pm
WHERE: Desha County Circuit Court 406 W Oak Street
Both Issue 2 and Issue 3 were placed on the ballot by state legislators, who wrote their own ballot explanations that explain little if anything to voters about what either measure actually does.
Issue 2 is labeled ‘The Arkansas Term Limits Amendment’ but voters are not told that it would let current legislators stay in office for 16 years and then, after a break, come back for 12 more.
“Issue 2 is the Lifetime Politician Amendment,” says Tom Steele, chairman of the citizens’ group, Arkansas Term Limits.
Voters are only told that Issue 3 will “amend the process for the submission and approval of proposed initiated acts,” without saying that Issue 3 does so by making it much more difficult for grassroots groups of citizens to petition reforms onto the ballot.
“I’m angry that our so-called representatives are once again trying to trick voters,” volunteer David Lindsay stated, “to weaken their term limits with Issue 2 and destroy our citizen petition process with Issue 3.”
“That’s why we are working hard to reach as many Arkansans as possible,” Lindsay added, “to let them know that Issue 2 and issue 3 are the politicians’ Trojan Horse to take power away from us.”
For more information about the “Vote AGAINST Issue 2 and Issue 3” campaign or to arrange an interview, please call Tom Steele.
Arkansas Term Limits is an Arkansas Ballot Question Committee (BQC) registered with the Arkansas Ethics Commission. Its sole mission is to promote, advocate for, and canvass for the Arkansas Term Limits Amendment petition intitiative driven by and for the CITIZENS not the by and for the LEGISLATORS. We OPPOSE Issue 2 and Issue 3 on the November 2020 ballot. Find out more at
Protect AR Voices is dedicated to to opposing the proposed amendment to the Arkansas Constitution that will make it harder for petitioners to submit ballot initiatives and amendments for approval by Arkansas voters. Find out more at