For immediate release
February 10, 2025
Contact: Nick Tomboulides, U.S. Term Limits
New Poll: 83% of Americans Support Term Limits for Congress
in New McLaughlin & Associates Poll
Poll Shows Broad Support for Congressional Term Limits Among All Political Affiliations and Demographics
Washington, D.C. – Eighty-three percent of Americans support term limits for Congress, according to a new poll conducted for U.S. Term Limits (USTL) by McLaughlin & Associates. Only 7.9% of those polled opposed congressional term limits. The survey of 1000 general election votes was conducted on January 27, 2025. The results demonstrate that support for congressional term limits is broad-based among all demographics and party affiliations. 79% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans support congressional term limits and among independents, support was an overwhelming 85%.
This broad support for congressional term limits comes at a time when two U.S. Term Limits supported term limits amendment proposals have been introduced in Congress. In the house, House Joint Resolution 12, sponsored by Rep. Ralph Norman, has more than 50 co-sponsors listed on the resolution. Once passed by Congress and ratified by the states, would limit Representatives to three terms, or 6 years, and Senators to two terms, or 12 years. In the Senate, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) filed Senate Joint Resolution 1, a companion resolution to House Joint Resolution 12. It has 15 Senate co-sponsors. There are currently 151 members of Congress who have pledged to support the U.S. Term Limits amendment, the highest-level support ever for this amendment.
“In our highly polarized politics, term limits for Congress is the one issue that unites all Americans regardless of political affiliation, race income, or location,” said Nick Tomboulides, Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Term Limits. Congress should listen to their constituents who want term limits and pass the U.S. Term Limits amendment. It is an idea whose time has arrived.”
The support for term limits was broad-based and even among all ideological and ethnic backgrounds. Among the various age groups, congressional term limits was evenly favored unlike other issues in the news.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating solely on term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislature that closely reflects its constituency and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. USTL does not require a self-limit on individuals. Our aim is to limit the terms of all members of Congress as an institution. Find out more at