by Stacey Selleck
Holly Robichaud has been managing U.S. Term Limits’ national state chair program. Her responsibilities include appointing the best political leaders and influencers to represent U.S. Term Limits in each state. She works closely with our internal digital/data team to research term limits champions and provides them with the opportunity and resources that empower them to advance our term limits resolutions forward in their respective states. In addition, she works closely with David Johnson, a media strategist, to promote term limits activities in the press and to bring as much attention as possible to important term limits achievements. Some of the activities include consulting with chairs to optimize our nonpartisan term limits messaging, booking them on television and radio shows, and helping them get their opinions published in local newspapers.
A major part of this strategy means that Robichaud and the state chairs work closely with regional and state directors from our field team to meet with lawmakers at the state level. They work with lawmakers to educate them on the Article V amendment proposal process and our multi-pronged approach to implemented term limits on the U.S. Congress.
State chairs include notable figures from all sides of the political spectrum including former WWE Wrestler and current mayor of Knox County Tennessee, Glenn Jacobs, business owners, physicians, philanthropists, former military service members and several former state and federal elected officials. For a complete list of USTL state chairs, visit
To that effect, U.S. Term Limits has launched a weekly video series hosted by Robichaud entitled “Term Limits Breaking News.” The 5–7-minute short videos will be available on USTL’s youtube channel and facebook platforms.
In the first episode, Ms. Robichaud discusses the importance of our pledge program, the progress we’re making at the state level and the state chair program, significant events like “Term Limits Day” that occurs annually on February 27th. She also shares updates on the career politicians, not so affectionately dubbed “The Poster Child Politician of the Week.” She also exposes corruption in a “Term Limits Hall of Shame” segment and provides information on how you can help by taking specific actions.
Watch the first episode here:
U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating specifically for term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislature that closely reflects its constituency and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. Find out more at