The term limits on Congress movement is stronger than ever! Political party executive committees are on board and working to pass our resolution through their local county affiliates. Get your group to support a Winning Issue. Pass this term limits resolution at your next chapter meeting. Email photos and details of the event to so we may promote the occasion to our term limits supporters.
County Resolution On Article V Term Limits Convention (SAMPLE)
WHEREAS, legislative term limits improve citizen access to office, broaden the range of experience in a political body, improve incentives faced by lawmakers, and mandate competitive elections at regular intervals;
WHEREAS, recent national polling (Scott Rasmussen 2021) indicates 82% of voters of all parties continue to support term limits, including 87% of Republicans and 83% of Democrats;
WHEREAS, YOUR STATE voters imposed term limits on their Congressional delegation in ____ with ___% of the vote, and more recent polling (_____) shows that ____% of YOUR STATE residents continue to support term limits on public officials;
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the United States (U.S. Term Limits v Thornton, 1995) declared that term limits could only be imposed by a constitutional amendment;
WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress has steadfastly refused to send a Congressional term limits amendment to the states for ratification in spite of broad popular support;
WHEREAS, Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides an alternate means of proposing constitutional amendments via a convention of the states that does not require a Congressional vote;
WHEREAS, upon receiving official calls from two-thirds of the states, Congress must call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments;
THE _________NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION________ HEREBY RESOLVES that the YOUR STATE legislature make an official Article V call to convene an amendment convention for the specific purpose of limiting the terms of the U.S. Congress.
Your support of this resolution is critical to the success of the term limits movement. Don’t forget to email photos of passage by your party’s county executive committee to