by Nick Tomboulides
Congressional term limits were front and center this week in Washington. Representatives Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Rod Blum (R-IA) took to the House Floor to advocate boldly for term limits on Congress.
DeSantis and Blum are both signers of the U.S. Term Limits Pledge, which calls for an amendment of three terms (six years) in the House and two terms (12 years) in the Senate. DeSantis has introduced the U.S. Term Limits Amendment bill, and Blum has recently formed the Term Limits Caucus in the House.
“We talk about division in politics,” DeSantis said. “But if you look, term limits is something that, regardless of party, regardless of ideology, regardless of gender, regardless of race, Americans support in overwhelming numbers.”
He’s right. According to Gallup, 75 percent of Americans support returning Congress to the people.
Congressman Blum was also great, borrowing on his experience as a business owner.
“This is the first elected office I’ve ever held,” he said. “I’m a career small businessperson. In the private sector, if we don’t listen to our customers, we go out of business. In Congress, our customers are the American people, and they are strongly in favor of term limits.”
Now, we’re under no illusions about Congress. We know most of the career politicians there don’t favor term limits. But that’s what DeSantis and Blum are communicating — that government ultimately belongs not to the politicians, but to the people.
Take some time to watch both speeches when you can. Share them with friends and family. We need to make sure every American knows that Congress can be restored, if we are willing to fight for it as these men have.
Watch DeSantis Floor Speech HERE.
Watch Blum”s Floor Speech HERE.