For immediate release
July 18, 2023
Contact: Stacey Selleck, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: (202) 261-3532
Constantin Querard Joins U.S. Term Limits as Western Regional Director
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Term Limits (USTL) is proud to announce that Constantin “CQ” Querard, founder and president of Grassroots Partners, LLC, has accepted the position of Western Regional Director. As founder and president of one of Arizona’s leading campaign consulting and public affair firms, CQ understands the significance of strategic vision and executive leadership.
Querard has been responsible for hundreds of successful campaign and lobbying efforts. He has an extensive knowledge of political strategy and marketing. CQ brings the depth of understanding and the experience necessary to recruit grassroots advocates and negotiate with state legislators as he oversees term limits operations in states from Hawaii to Alaska, through the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas and New Mexico.
Asked why he is passionate about the term limits movement, Constantin said, “In my opinion, there is ‘one thing’ that will put us back on track as a country ‘of the people’ and that’s term limits.
As regional director, CQ is responsible for introducing the U.S. Term Limits resolutions in western state legislatures by securing sponsors and identifying term limits champion lawmakers who will shepherd the measure through to a successful conclusion. Querard is also tasked with directing the grassroots leadership teams who will engage volunteers and work to create opportunities for candidates and legislators to sign the term limits convention pledge as a key part of the overall strategy.
Scott Tillman, National Field Director of USTL says, “CQ brings a depth of knowledge and experience critical for building the teams, forging relationships, and strategic planning needed to help us get to the 34 states needed to trigger the term limits amendment convention. He is a valuable addition to our management team.”
The key western states targeted to pass the U.S. Term Limits Article V convention resolutions in 2023 are Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, and Alaska among others. CQ resides in Litchfield Park, Arizona.
According to a 2023 nationwide poll on term limits conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, term limits enjoy wide bipartisan support. An overwhelming 82% of voters approve of a constitutional amendment that will place term limits on members of Congress. Once a term limits on Congress proposal is agreed upon, 38 states must ratify it in order for it to become part of the Constitution.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating specifically for term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislature that closely reflects its constituency and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. Find out more at termlimits.org.