December 26, 2024
Contact: Scott Tillman, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: (321) 345-7455
Daniel Butierez Pledges to Support Term Limits on Congress
Washington D.C. – U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the non-partisan national movement to limit terms for elected officials, praises 2026 U.S. House candidate for Arizona, Daniel Butierez (District 7), for signing the pledge for an amendment to term limit Congress. Butierez is the first signer in this race.
U.S. Term Limits has the support of more than 150 pledge signers in Congress. USTL President Philip Blumel commented on Butierez’s pledge saying, “Daniel’s strong support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to put self-interest aside to follow the will of the people. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”
Blumel noted, “We have seen a dramatic increase in supporters wanting term limits on Congress. More than 87% of Americans have rejected the career politician model and want to replace it with citizen leadership. The way to achieve that goal is through congressional term limits.”
According to the latest nationwide poll on term limits conducted by Pew Research, term limits enjoy wide bipartisan support. Pew’s analysis states, “An overwhelming majority of adults (87%) favor limiting the number of terms that members of Congress are allowed to serve. This includes a majority 56% who strongly favor this proposal, just 12% are opposed.”
Blumel concluded, “America is in trouble. Our career politicians have let the people down. It is time to return control of our nation to the people. It is time for a constitutional amendment limiting congressional terms.”
The term limits amendment resolutions would require a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate, and ratification by 38 states, in order to become part of the U.S. Constitution.
View Butierez’s signed pledge here.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating solely on term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislature that closely reflects its constituency and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. USTL does not require a self-limit on individuals. Our aim is to limit the terms of all members of Congress as an institution. Find out more at
*U.S. Term Limits does not endorse candidates. Candidates who sign the pledge endorse term limits.