For immediate release
May 24, 2021
Contact: Ken Clark, Southern Regional Director
Phone: 207-713-8700
Louisiana State House Passes Resolution for Term Limits on Congress
Baton Rouge, LA — Today, the Louisiana House of Representatives passed HCR51, a resolution declaring that the state legislature seeks to join other states in proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to establish term limits on Congress. The bipartisan vote was 65 yeas – 24 nays, overwhelmingly in favor of passage. The effort, sponsored by state Rep. Mark Wright, is being spearheaded by the nonpartisan, nonprofit U.S. Term Limits.
Rep. Mark Wright said, “I believe that our institutions perform better when there is a regular mixture of new blood coming in.”
According to a recent poll by McLaughlin & Associates, 85% of likely voters in Louisiana support term limits on Congress, including strong support across partly lines. 94% of Republicans, 80% of Democrats, and 83% of independents support the reform.
U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel commended the Louisiana House of Representatives saying, “The people of Louisiana are lucky to have public servants who see what is going on in D.C. and are willing to take action to fix it. They know that Congress won’t set term limits on itself. Therefore, it is the obligation of the states to do so.”
Once the senate passes the concurrent resolution, Louisiana will join 16 other states in the call for a convention for the purpose of proposing term limits on the U.S. Congress. In total, thirty-four state legislatures must pass similar resolutions on the topic in order to convene. When approved the proposed amendment must be ratified by 38 states in order to be codified into the U.S. Constitution.
U.S. Term Limits is the oldest and largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at