by Scott Tillman
Michigan State Representative Tom Barrett (R-Potterville) has filed legislation in the State House for a convention to put term limits on Congress.
Barrett’s resolution, HJR TT, would allow Michigan to cooperate with 33 other state legislatures to launch a convention, which can then propose a constitutional amendment for term limits.
It will be heard before the State House Elections Committee right after the presidential election, on either November 9th or November 10th of 2016.
If passed, Barrett’s resolution would be a groundbreaking step forward in the movement to take back Congress from career politicians. Polls show that congressional term limits have supermajority support in Michigan and across America.
The U.S. Constitution states that, once 34 states have applied for an amendment convention on one topic, the convention will meet with each state sending its own delegation. Those delegates then write and propose a term limits amendment, which comes back to the state legislatures to be ratified into the Constitution. Learn more on our Term Limits Convention page HERE.
This approach is very useful for term limits, because Congress has no veto in the process. The convention allows states to do an “end-run”around Congress to get term limits.
If you live in the state of Michigan and would like to help Rep. Barrett’s resolution pass, contact these members of the House Elections Committee and tell them to “vote YES for term limits. Vote YES on HJR TT.”
Lisa Posthumus Lyons (R) Committee Chair – (517) 373-0846
Eric Leutheuser (R) Majority Vice-Chair – (517) 373-1794
Kurt Heise (R) – (517) 373-3816
Bradford Jacobsen (R) – (517) 373-1798
Klint Kesto (R) – (517) 373-1799
Gretchen Driskell (D) Minority Vice-Chair – (517) 373-0828
Jeff Irwin (D) – (517) 373-2577
Jon Hoadley (D) – (517) 373-1785
Additionally, you can send your own representatives a message of support HERE.
Scott Tillman is the National Field Director of U.S. Term Limits. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI and leads the Michigan Term Limits Convention campaign. STillman@TermLimits.org