For immediate release
March 17, 2021
Contact: Ken Clark, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: 207-713-8700
North Carolina State House Passes Resolution to Term Limit Congress
Raleigh, NC — Today, the North Carolina House of Representatives passed HJR172, a resolution calling for a national convention to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishing term limits on Congress. The effort, sponsored by NC House Speaker Tim Moore, is being spearheaded by the nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit, U.S. Term Limits.
“I sponsored House Joint Resolution 172 because I think term limits for members of Congress is an idea whose time has come,” explains Speaker Moore. “ We can strike a good balance to get something done on a good term limits proposal, because when you talk to the American people, they support term limits for the U.S. Congress. So I am proud to sponsor House Joint Resolution 172 to advance an important proposal that has broad bipartisan support,” says Moore.
A 2020 poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates shows that an overwhelming 73% of North Carolina voters approve of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will place term limits on U.S. Senators and U.S. House Representatives. This includes strong support across party lines: 79% of Republicans, 68% of Democrats, and 71% of independents. Large majorities also say that Congress members stay in power for too long, and that they’re more likely to support state lawmakers who help advance congressional term limits.
U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel commended Speaker Moore for putting forth the resolution. Blumel said, “The people of North Carolina are lucky to have public servants who see what is going on in D.C. and are willing to take action to fix it. They know that Congress won’t set term limits on itself. Therefore, it is the obligation of the states to do so.”
HJR172 will now make its way to the NC Senate. Once passed, North Carolina will join other states in the call to convene the states for the exclusive purpose of proposing term limits on the U.S. Congress. Thirty-four state legislatures must pass similar resolutions on the topic and approve the term limits amendment, before it goes to the states for ratification.
U.S. Term Limits is the oldest and largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at