00:31 Will Justice Brett Kavanaugh be the swing vote on term limits? — Philip Blumel
Over the last two decades, the face of the court has changed. Most recently, Justice Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote against term limits, retired at the end of July. Last week the Senate grilled U.S. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh whose expected to be confirmed as Kennedy’s replacement. What does this mean for the future of term limits before the court?
06:56 Term Limits vs. Thornton, state ballot access restrictions — Philip Blumel and Nick Tomboulides
There’s now a third potential breakthrough way to get term limits on Congress. The first two being a 2/3 vote in Congress to propose an amendment, the second for the states to convene to propose a term limits amendment. The third potential breakthrough is if the court overturned the Term Limits vs. Thornton decision and implemented term limits on several states’ delegations. There’s a lot to be hopeful for in the next few years.
11:44 Are elections and term limits really the same thing? — Stacey Selleck
Why do we always elect politicians we hate? According to Sarah Johns’ article on fairvote.org. “Why 2016 was a stronger year for incumbents?” many districts are considered safe, only 2% of incumbents lose. There is a severe incumbent advantage and term limits can fix this.
15:52 Interview with Scott Murphy, author of “The Term Limit Revolution”– Philip Blumel
There are multiple groups and multiple bills. We must unite and form one group to become more powerful. If lobbyists and bureaucrats truly receive more power from term limits, we would already have term limits. You can obtain a copy of Scott Murphy’s book at amazon.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/thetermlimitrevolution/
31:05 U.S. Term Limits pledge program — Staff
Candidates have the opportunity to show support for term limits. The pledges either support the establishment of term limits or support the defense keeping term limits in place. https://www.termlimits.com/pledge/
Florida voters passed term limits in the early 1990s. Florida candidate Larry Metz, is a great example. Larry wound up championing the issue of term limits. He introduced the first of its kind bill to propose an Article V convention in Florida specifically for the establishment of term limits on Congress. Now, two more states have passed the same resolution, Missouri and Alabama. Any opportunity can be a catalyst for change.
MUSIC CREDITS – Full versions of the music sampled during this podcast may be purchased via iTunes at the following links :
“Hands All Over” written by Chris Cornell as performed by Soundgarden, “Stupid Marriage” written & performed by The Specials, “Conned Again” written by Steve Jones & Paul Cook as performed by The Professionals
The “No Uncertain Terms” podcast is produced by Duke Decter for U.S. Term Limits
Executive Producer Philip Blumel (President, U.S. Term Limits)