“I don’t think people want a new direction,” Nancy Pelosi told CBS’s Face the Nation this week.
Yes, she really said that. Pelosi has been in Congress for three decades. This year alone, she has seen a historic presidential race, a challenge to her leadership by younger Democrats and a 10 percent approval rating for Congress.
If all that couldn’t convince Pelosi change is needed, nothing will.
In her bubble, everything in Washington, D.C. is going just fine.
This kind of tone-deafness is exactly why the term limits movement was created!
After spending too much time in Washington, politicians’ common sense tends to disappear. They can’t see things that are obvious to the average person. That means we need new blood and a new direction more than ever.
We can achieve this new direction by term-limiting Pelosi and her fellow career politicians in both parties.
Join the movement today by signing our petition to DEMAND term limits on Congress.