by Rebekah Johansen-Bydlak, Candidate in Florida’s 1st Congressional District
With $19 trillion in debt and a deeply dysfunctional federal government that continually encroaches beyond its constitutional bounds, it’s no surprise that voters overwhelmingly support term limits. The American people know that the entrenched special interests do not stand for them, but without enforced limits, an enormous barrier exists to getting bad politicians out of office.
You see, incumbents enjoy an enormous electoral and financial advantage. The vast majority of incumbents – up to 90% in normal cycles – win reelection. Too often, winning a seat in Congress is a golden ticket to do as one pleases without serious threat of voter repercussions.
Members of Congress have changed from citizen legislators to career politicians with all-too-safe careers. The average time that Members serve has more than doubled in the last century.
Across the country, citizens have voted for and supported term limits at the state level, and it is time for those same limits to be applied federally. Since the 1995 Thornton case, the most obvious method is through a constitutional amendment.
Unfortunately, too many politicians pay lip service to the idea of term limits but will do little in practice to further the goal. That is why I am proud to have signed the U.S. Term Limits pledge to support a constitutional amendment term limits when in office.
More of the same simply won’t cut it anymore. I urge all of my opponents and fellow candidates in districts across the country to join me in going on the record with this crucial issue.”