For immediate release
March 3, 2023
Contact: Aaron Dukette, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: 859-779-0181
Rep. William Lawrence Receives Plaque for Signing U.S. Term Limits Pledge
Frankfort, KY —Kentucky State Representative William Lawrence (district 70) was recently recognized for his efforts to support a Term Limits Amendment on Congress. This amendment was created by the U.S. Term Limits Pledge, which states that William Lawrence will work to cosponsor, vote for, and defend the resolution for an Article V convention, for the sole purpose of enforcing term limits on Congress.
Rachel McCubbin, the U.S. Term Limits State Chair, presented Representative Lawrence with a plaque at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort. In her presentation, McCubbin praised Lawrence for his belief in this reform, which aims to allow state legislatures to use their authority under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose a Congressional Term Limits Amendment.
More than 15 fellow legislators have pledged their support for the amendment, indicating that constituents want term limits on Congress. It’s noteworthy that term limits enjoy strong bipartisan support in Kentucky. According to a recent Kentucky poll conducted by RMG Research, 74% of Republicans, 81% of Democrats, and 68% of Independents approve of placing term limits on members of Congress.
It is important to note that once the amendment is proposed by Congress or by states at a national convention, it must be ratified by 38 of the 50 states in order to be included as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. William Lawrence’s efforts and the support of many other legislators show that the push for term limits on Congress is gaining momentum in Kentucky.
View Lawrence’s signed pledge here.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at