For immediate release
March 21th, 2019
Contact: Nick Tomboulides
Senator Ed Hooper Honored for Supporting Term Limits
Melbourne-based U.S. Term Limits, the nation’s largest pro-term limits group, has just honored State Senator Ed Hooper from the Tampa area as a 2019 “Champion of Term Limits.”
The award recognizes “a steadfast commitment to restore citizen government through term limits,” and is presented only to legislators who have taken a strong stand on the issue.
Senator Hooper received this honor and a plaque from U.S. Term Limits and has signed a pledge vowing to protect 8-year term limits in Florida from lobbyist-led efforts to lengthen or repeal them.
This legislative session, Senator Baxley introduced SJR 274, a constitutional amendment that would provide for 8-year term limits on all Florida school boards, putting these boards on equal footing with most other offices. Corresponding legislation (HJR 229) was introduced in the Florida state house by Rep. Anthony Sabitini and Rep. Randy Fine.
“Florida is without question the term limits state,” said U.S. Term Limits Executive Director Nick Tomboulides. “Our rejection of career politicians – and commitment to 8-year limits on so many offices – has helped establish our state as an economic powerhouse. Term limits have produced leaders who are more diverse, more fiscally responsible and more accountable to the people.”
Florida has 8-year term limits on its governor, cabinet, state legislature and countless local positions. Polls show that between 75 and 85 percent of Americans favor term limits for public officials, with a strong preference for 8-year limits.
Tomboulides hailed the group for supporting term limits.
“It takes guts to stand up to the special interests who would all prefer Florida had no term limits. We applaud Senator Hooper for listening to the people,” he said.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at