Below are some points in regard to the many benefits of Term Limits for Congress. Feel free to use one of these to add to your email message to your legislators.
Elections are not term limits. The approval rating of Congress is consistently below 20%, yet the reelection rate is over 95% because of the numerous advantages incumbents have over challengers, making it virtually impossible to vote them out of office. Term Limits will prevent people from becoming too powerful in Congress and better reflect the will of the people.
American voters want term limits for Congress. An overwhelming 82% (avg.) of Americans support a Term Limits Amendment for Congress crossing party lines at; 89% Rep, 83% Ind, and 76% Dem (McLaughlin and Associates). Have you polled your constituents on this issue?
Congressional Term Limits will provide Fair and Competitive Elections. Ordinary people will have a real opportunity to run for office because they will not need to raise millions of dollars to go up against the incumbent’s war chest.
Term Limits will help to get BIG money out of politics! 97% of corporate PAC money goes to the incumbents because the lobbyists and special interest groups already have them in their back pocket. Term limits will break this hold they have on the members of Congress and will reduce the amount of money spent on incumbents.
Members of Congress have become high paid telemarketers to raise money for their party! Members of Congress spend 30-70% of their time on the phone raising money for their reelection and their party instead of doing the job they were sent to do. Term Limits will change this terrible system by allowing members to focus on their job, not their lifelong political career.
Term limits give voters more choices at the ballot box. America faces an epidemic of lopsided elections dominated by incumbents. Term Limits break up that monopoly by ending incumbent advantages and allow for new people to run for office giving the voters more choices instead of the same incumbent election after election.
Term Limits will provide more people with real-world experience from all walks of life an opportunity to serve in elected office. We need more teachers, doctors, small business owners, farmers, etc. in Congress to better represent the nation and provide real-world and real-work experience.
Term limits provide representatives who are closer to their constituents and who know they have a limited time in office to do the work they were sent there to do and forces them to return home, where they too must live under the laws they’ve enacted.
Term limits help to reduce corruption and sever lobbyists’ and bureaucrat’s ties with politicians making ex-lawmakers less valuable. In doing so, it safeguards public service from those who seek to exploit it for personal gain.
Term limits for Congress will help restore political courage. Under the status quo, Congress avoids an issue – such as reducing the $23 Trillion Debt, Immigration Crisis, Healthcare Crisis, etc. that might threaten their job-for-life. Term-limited lawmakers know they’ve been sent to do a job and won’t shrink under pressure.
Term Limits will level the playing field among the States so that smaller states will have more of an opportunity for their members to hold key leadership positions and chairmanships. Currently, those positions are assigned based upon seniority and how much money members have raised for their party, known a paying their dues. Limiting the number of years a member can serve will make key positions more competitive and based on abilities instead of seniority.