by Nick Tomboulides
When Florida’s Legislature became the first in America to call for the Term Limits Convention, it sent a powerful message to the ruling class in Washington. But it also motivated lawmakers in other states to take action.
Since the Florida win, eight other states have filed Term Limits Convention bills, with several more on the way. This past Monday, the Judiciary Committee of the Alaska State Senate passed the bill unanimously. It will now head to the full State Senate there.
Yesterday, the Revenue Committee of the Utah State House approved the Term Limits Convention, giving it a surge of new momentum out west. And this Tuesday, a Committee of the Missouri State Senate will vote on the bill.
These developments are no accident. They are a product of great U.S. Term Limits volunteers and activists who refuse to accept the status quo. John Steinberger, a grassroots leader in South Carolina, wrote recently in an Op-Ed that “for the first time in decades, the American people have a realistic shot at obtaining congressional term limits.”
He was referring to the momentum generated by the Term Limits Convention. It is our responsibility to continue seizing this opportunity and finally deliver term limits for the American people.
Nick Tomboulides is the Executive Director of U.S. Term Limits.