This week, the nation watched with anticipation as special elections for Congress took place in South Carolina and Georgia. What the mainstream media didn’t report, however, is that both winning candidates are term limits advocates who’ve signed the U.S. Term Limits Pledge!
The big winners – Ralph Norman and Karen Handel – have committed to co-sponsor and vote for the U.S Term Limits constitutional amendment of a three-term limit in the House and a two-term limit in the Senate.
View Norman’s signed pledge HERE and Handel’s HERE.
Norman and Handel will now be signing onto the amendment introduced by our lead House sponsor, Congressman Ron DeSantis of Florida.
Thanks to DeSantis’ hard work, the amendment has 34 cosponsors before Gianforte, Handel and Norman sign on. As the number continues to trend upward, term limits will become harder and harder for congressional leadership to ignore.
Of course, Congress alone will not be enough to get the amendment passed. The states have to do their part by passing the Term Limits Convention. Only a synergy between these two amendment strategies will get the job done.
Always remember: we can do this. Each day we move a bit closer to our ultimate goal: term limits on the Congress of the United States.
Nick Tomboulides is the Executive Director of U.S. Term Limits